Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Red Wine Resveratrol

For the last several years scientists from around the world have been testing the effects of red wine resveratrol. Resveratrol, which is found in the skin of red grapes, and therefore red wine, is a phytoalexin, which has now been proved to have massive amounts of health benefits. Among the many benefits of red wine resveratrol are life extension, cancer prevention, blood sugar lowering, and much more.

The problem with red wine resveratrol is that it is not concentrated enough to do much good. Sure, red wine can be healthy, but in order to get the maximum benefit out of this wonder-substance, it is recommended that you find a purer source. Ever since the benefits of red wine resveratrol were discovered, pharmaceutical and health companies have been producing pure resveratrol, usually in pill form. These pills carry all the benefits of red wine resveratrol, with none of the negative effects of alcohol.

Today, red wine resveratrol has become the new “wonder drug”. Though details as to its ability to prevent cancer, all other benefits have been tested and confirmed. Dozens of tests have been done on both animals and human, and results have been impressive. Tests conducted on fruit flies and short-living fish have proved that red wine resveratrol, even in relatively small doses, can significantly increase life spans. This has lead many researchers and scientists to push the envelope, and many are speculating that this drug could increase the human lifespan by 3, 5, even 10 years. This is an exciting development in the field of science, and it makes you wonder what the future might look like.

Do you want to find out more about Resveratrol?

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